Contact Us
Your generosity fuels our mission to transform the future of medicine. Contact us to learn more about how you can bring more life-giving medical breakthroughs to patients and families here in Boston and around the world.
Other contacts:
Development Office reception: | 617 424 4300
General questions on making a gift:
Katerina Pappas | | 617 877 6164
Gift processing, gifts of stock, and gift acknowledgments:
Kiran Rai | | 617 424 4321
Bequests, life income gifts, and other planned gifts:
Kathleen Duffy | | 617 424 4326
IRA gifts:
Kelly Gallagher | | 617 352 2562
Questions about starting a fundraiser:
Laura Ducie | | 617 827 0578
Mailing address
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Development Office
263 Huntington Avenue, #318
Boston, MA 02115-4506
Nonprofit tax ID: 04-2312909
Communication Preferences
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